Thursday 7 August 2014

Home Boarding Holiday Dog Care 0845 838 2927

HDC banner 2
For all those dog owners and puppy owners out there we are now registered and insured to be holiday dog carers here at the home of pennys pups. Providing a caring alternative to kennels - so that your dog enjoys their holiday just as much as you do!

our story
We tried boarding kennels once with Toby he hated it, we had calls saying he couldn't settle and wouldn't eat, we was as stressed as he obviously was without us and our holiday was not fun worrying about our baby boy, we took up camping so we could take our dogs with us every holiday but this soon became impractical when we really want to holiday in winter, home boarding with a carer was the answer, one to once special care for all our babies, we can now relax knowing they are in good hands and get a picture text from time to time is comforting as well. 
Now we can offer this amazing service to others and open up our home, when we are not breeding puppies, to look after your special dog while you are away.

what we provide
We provide bespoke one to one care for your dog whilst you are away for business or pleasure. Your dog will stay in our home, under our experience dog loving care, where we are committed to giving your dog all the care and attention we give our own beautiful dogs.
We only board dogs from one family at a time, whether you have 1, 2 or 3 dogs we can accommodate them in our spacious home and garden, they will live and play along side our own dogs, except if you have 3 dogs one of our dogs will go away to stay with my mum who loves her to pieces as we are only allowed to accommodate 5 dogs under 1 roof according to local licencing regulations. We may also send our little Toby away to mother in laws as she is always trying to steel him, we have that flexibilty so we can give your dogs the attention they need, specifically to them.
We are especially equipped for puppies with specially build puppy play areas and learning toys. We are experience at puppy training and care and can continue with your puppy's learning routine while you are away. It doesn't matter if your puppy is not quite house trained, we will continue puppy's training for you and have a custom made puppy area in our home for them to stay in part of the time to chill out away from the adults and enjoy some puppy play and sleep, it is bigger than a double bed so they will have plenty of room and be safe when we have to pop out.
We have a massive garden equipped with play tents, tunnels and an agility course for off the lead free time and play. A large grass area and the garden is secure and not viewable from the street.
We live near parks and woodlands and on a quiet respectable residential area where your dog can be safe and enjoy lovely walks with us, your dog will be walked either with or without our dogs, we can accommodate your preference. 

how its work

  • You contact holiday dog care and mention your referral from pennyspups
  • Discuss your holiday requirements and your dogs needs with a trained team who will assess who would be the best carer for you, you can request us as carers if you wish as well.
  • You fill our a form about your dogs routine 
  • A carer (maybe us here at pennyspups) will get in touch with you to arrange a time to meet at the carers home to plan your dogs care
  • If after meeting you happy to book you contact dog holiday and place your deposit
  • When its time for your holiday you arrive at the carers home pay the remainder of the bill and leave any food bed and toys your dogs need
  • Your dog will then be cared for in accordance with your instructions and we will follow your dogs normal routine and they will have the best holiday dog care available.

There are other carers that have no dogs, some have just 1, most of the carers are retired and a few work too but never leave your dog alone for more than 4hours. no matter the carer your dog will receive the highest care and attention and we all promise to care your your dog according to your instructions.

One dog only £18.50 per day (an overnight stay is charged at two days)
Two dogs together from the same family £30 per day
Three dogs together from the same family £37 per day

make a booking
To make an enquiry for home boarding with Holiday Dog Care
Or ring us on  0845 838 2927 

There are currently carers based all around West Yorkshire, including in Holmfirth, Silkstone, Penistone, Cawthorne, Stocksbridge, Glossop, Huddersfield and surrounding areas.
if your a bit further away from one of our carers, a bit of traveling is a small price to pay for the piece of mind that comes from knowing your dog in in the best possible home.

breeding season over

So that was 6 months of full time work to breed our beautiful Lhasa Apso Puppies, who are now all enjoying their new homes.
 It started back in Feb when they were in heat and then mating in march born in may and then the busiest months were June and July with 18 hour care routines and lots of visits to find their new homes, for which i was off work and on puppy duty full time. It is no easy thing to breed and raise quality puppies, there is a great deal of worry and stress from conception though to birth is the worst worry time for me, as i love my dogs, they are my babies and their health is very important to me. So im please now to report both mums are in excellent health neither have shown any anxiety over their puppies leaving, we have been spending extra time with them to get them into shape and happy mood. This has included extra walks and agility training on our agility course in our garden and a special diet. they are very happy girls. 
Thank you for all your feedback and texts coming in, i am so please to know that the puppies are settling in well and of course that you feel we did a good job raising and training them, that's always nice to hear.
We have made 15 new families this past month and people still ask me do i miss them and don't i get sad and the answer is yes of course i miss them, that soft puppy fur their little cry's and puppy breath! but how can it be sad when we make people happy. 
One thing i get told a lot is that we must of made lots on money, but we didn't, after food, surgery, toys, puppy pads, cleaning products, vet bills, microchipping, worming treatments, advertising, paperwork, registration fees, puppy pack bits, and not including the cost to my time and my husbands in puppy care, the cost of breeding was over £5500.00 so there was a small profit which basic covers flee and worm treatments for my dogs plus their annual injections, new collars, beds,  leads and food for the next year, plus we spent some of it on hydrotherapy for toby our oldest dog for his stiff back and on a trainer for penny.
it has been very challenging but we learned we can definitely have two litters at once and not compromise the care of any of the puppies.
it has been very enjoyable and i already cant wait to have a busy house again next time in 2016.

Sunday 3 August 2014

DEPARTING PUPPIES Lhasa Apso Marigold off to her forever home

Last puppy to leave was last 1st august 2014 Marigold named Lola now by her new family. She spent her fist night alone without her siblings and cousins whilst she was still with us and was collected the next morning, i thought she may get upset but after some 1 on 1 playtime before bed she went to sleep and didnt make a sound will 9am when she woke me for her brekfast. She's a little angel, here is her pictures and one with her new owners. 

DEPARTING PUPPIES Lhasa Apso Primrose off to his forever home

Next to leave was Merlin now named teddy, one of my fav puppies because he is so white like his mum, he was always the noisiest of the litters, he would speak for all of them to announce dinner time, he has lots of energy and is obviously intelligent as he was already learning lots of works and behaviors before he left for his new home.
Here is his last few pictures before he left, sorry i forgot to ask his new family for a snap please send one in.

trying to get back in his pen with lola for a wee he is so bright!

DEPARTING PUPPIES Lhasa Apso Preston off to his forever home

Preston now names Charlie was next to leave last week on Sunday his new mum was so pleased emotions were running high, hes a cheeky little chap who despite being little always kept up with the litters in his energy, he always came to sit by my feet. 
Here is Charlies last few pics and a picture with his new mum.

Friday 25 July 2014

last 3 pups playing with mums in garden videos

Teddy and Lola go to the vets for 2nd injection 10 weeks old today

As Lola and teddy are still with us today they went for their injections, it was a very hot day so it was a difficult car journey but they go so much attention at the vets it is crazy, crowds of people, i have to be careful not to cause a car crash in the car park as people stare at the seriously cute Lhasa's. The Vet nurse at pets at home in Huddersfield, was lovely, and gently gave them their second booster to complete their vaccinations until next year. They can now go outside, although they advice to leave it another week to avoid any risk, your own garden is normally fine but keep away form any dogs that may not have been vaccinated. If your taking puppy for its second booster its also advisable for get the kennel cough vaccine too, this lasts a year, and is normally around £10-£20 it always on offer somewhere, but remember kennel cough kills so its definable worth doing it, as your puppy's immune system is still weak and developing.

Last 3 pups still with us enjoy play in the garden with mum and toby pictures

lola and toby

teddy and mum


charley and mum

teddy and mum

teddy and lola

teddy and charley

Lhasa Puppy Pippin is coming home and is up for a sale again

There has been a lot of interest in little pippin he really is adorable so I can see why and he has a lovely playful and relaxed nature as well, so here is an exciting update for those who were interested in buying him. 
Sadly his new owners have made the tough decision to do whats right for him and bring him back due to their work commitments so he is now looking for a new home. £545 for this gorgeous Prince.