Lhasa Apso Breed Character

Lhasa Apsos are sociable, outgoing little dogs with big personalities given their diminutive size. They are loyal and affectionate and enjoy the company of people.

The Lhasa Apso has the reputation for being slightly wilful, but persistent, positive training will bring out the best in the Lhasa’s delightful personality once they understand their role in their owner’s life. As with any dog, it is important that the Lhasa Apso understands that it is not the master. It will be a far happier dog if it is taught its place and what is expected of it from the outset.

Lhasa’s make excellent watch dogs. They have an accute sense of hearing and a bark that belies their size. But once properly socialized the Lhasa Apso makes a wonderful companion dog or family pet.

I have found that Penny and Toby our two Lhasa pets have very different personalities, which is why we decided to breed them.
Penny is Very protective, outgoing and excitable, she loves to play and eat and run and jump. She was difficult to house train as she is so determined to have her way, but she also learns fast. She listens carefully and responds quicky and obediently to commands.
Toby is very loving and laid back, he is protective true to the lhasa breed and will bark at the door bell as penny does but he quickly gives up and wants to snuggle on your lap again, he loves the outdoors, in fact we took up camping so he could enjoy being outside more and enjoys games more than penny, he loves to snuggle and eat what every your having  if he could and be with you all the time, while penny is more independant, will wander off to another part of the house and enjoys watching the goings on outside the window for hours. Toby is also very obedient and a fast learner, i once showed him how to pull a door open by putting his paw in the gap and he never needed showing again, he also tought penny the same trick. Toby was easy to house break, but i think this was partly due to he loved the outside, although he went through a difficult patch in the winter he was 1 as he doesnt like the rain and wouldnt walk in it for a while so accidents happened. Penny lead trained faster than toby, but this is largely due to she was copying everything toby did.
Being lhasa they need a lot of grooming we take them to the groomers together ever 2 months. When Toby was little we gave him a gentle introduction with a groomer but he never took to it well, he doent like being wet and cold, but when penny came along and she is so good at being groomed, she whould be an amazing show dog, as she will happily sit and let you brush and comb and primp her. This good example and helped toby to groom better and they now enjoy the trips to and amazing groomer.
We choose not to show Penny or Toby or to compete with them as we are just not into that aspect of owning dogs. We see Dogs as loving pets, there to enrich your life by loyally loving you with all they have, because you love and take care of them in return. While I admire the care and attention that champion dog owners give to their pooches, id reather enjoy seeing my dogs playing fetch in the woods and fields than walking a course showing off the perfect breeding on t.v. Its wonderful to see those perfect specimen and gives all dog owners something to aspire to but we cant all be chamions, can we some of us are born to be someones little baby instead.
Our Dogs our very much loved and are part of the family, they come on holiday with us sleep in our bedroom, eat at our meal times and snuggle with us in the evening.
Penny and Tobys puppys, will have a mix of pennys sandy colour and tobys gray, a mix of penny's enthusiam and tobys laid back fun, both of their loyalty and obedience, and both of their capacity to learn and to love.

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