Friday 23 May 2014

penny had 8 lhasa apso puppy's - heres her labor story

i still cant quite believe she had 8 puppy's. penny is doing well and so are all the pups, although the next day is critical for them, some are quite small and penny has a lot of puppy's to feed, so we will be helping her out.

Penny's Pup's

Penny's labor started at 3am on the 22nd of May 2014 she began the firts stage of labour a little pushing was visible, meaning i could she the uturus contractions which was causing her to dialate ready for the birth. At 10.30pm on the same day i could see her mucus plug and waters break. she was in obvious pain on an off from here on in, squirming in her box, getting out, weeing on the floor, crying and biting down on the side of her whelping box. This went on through the night, i dont mind telling you was was getting worried, she had been in labour now over 24 hours and should of presented a puppy by this point i hoped she didnt have a puppy stuck and would need a c section like Molly, but i  stayed calm and i slept on he sofa between her crys, lending her lots of snuggles and support. By 7.30am on the 23rd i could see strong contractions and by 7.45 she had her first puppy a boy 5.6oz, by 8.20am she had another, then at 8.36 another andt 8.57 another and 9.34 another. It seemed to me the long labor meant penny had been lining them up inside like bullets in a gun waiting to be fired out. The first few came so closed together i didnt have time to change mats between them, just enought time to wake them up and then another one came along. Penny then had a rest for an hour and 27mins then produced pup number 6 at 11.01, i this point with much less fluid in the uterus i had a feel and was sure i felt 2 more but then she contracted and moved them up toward the birth canal, i didnt want to press it! Another long rest as by this point she was tried, naturally of course and at 12.20 produced pup number 7. i instantly knew there was another one to go as she fidgeting and pushed. I was amazed she was going to have 8 pups, i hoped the last one would be healthy after such a long labour. There she was feeding her 7 puppies while she quietly pushed out puppy number 8 at  7oz. Stunned i was and it was all over with that last puppy at 1pm on the dot.
The smallest puppy was number 7 a female only 5.5 she is tiny, but strong. All puppies have fed from mum and penny has been eating and been to the garden for toilet time. She is enjoying cleaning them and oddly doesnt seem too tired must be all those placentas she ate, gross!
After each puppy was born, i helped penny break the sac, clamped the cord, cut the cord and cleared its airways, then she licked it clean and i dried it off and placed in a heated bed. I rotated the puppies between mum and the bed 2 or 3 at a time so they could feed or when they cryd for her.

Penny is amazing, there is no other word for it.
By 1pm it was all over she had endured 34 hours to bring 8 new Lhasa apsos to the world. i then got busy with cleaning out her pen and changing the mats.
I'm so proud of her.


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