Tuesday 20 May 2014

Getting ready for Puppy Birth the Kit you need

For those of you planning to breed responsibly, and by that i mean creating quality puppies for good loving homes as pets that are well cared for and well trained and of good pedigree, you may find this useful. 
So here is some pictures of the items i keep in my birthing kit. I also sell my handmade and personnalised whelping boxes in any size.
whelping box complete with pig rails lined with pads then a vet fleece to absorb any fluid, i lay 2 layers of these so once the birth is over i can whip out the dirtys to reveal the nice clean mats underneath.

scales and i use a kidney dish with some tissue as lining to weigh the puppies at birth and then everyday for 2 weeks then once a week unil they are 8 weeks old

pennys whelping box with a stable style door, i use a waterbased paint so that its non toxic which has a wipe clean finish, i upholster the base with pvc fabric to create that wipe clean waterproof finish, and i make a pvc kit bag which is attached to the side. 
water bottle to keep her hydrated.

camera set up for filming for the blog and you tube!

bed to put puppies in and a heat mat stack of flannels to clean the puppies with

safe for dogs, cleaning spay and rolls of tissue paper

a box of wipes for cleaning mum during birth i find it best to keep on top of it. spare towels stethescope to monitor hear rate

birth record and pen ready

sterile umilical clips, scissors, clamps, aspirator bulb, swaps, lubrication, gloves, thermometer, torch, id tags, bag for disposal of waste, 

If you need any advise please feel free to email.

I cant stress enough that deciding to breed should not be taking lightly, get as much information as you can and train with a breeder so you can be prepared for your girl. You cant go into it to make money as there are major expenses involved see my posts below about cesarean sections and the cost of breeding.
People rarely ask me why i do it, i assume they think its for the money but it isn't, some people get quite opinionated about how they disagree with breeding, but in doing so breeders help to continue the breed and humans greatly benefit from owning a dog.

I do enjoy making a profit from breeding but there are 3 other things i like more.
Firstly i like being the puppy midwife, delivering the puppies with my girls is exciting and nerve racking.
Secondly i love looking after them, mothering mum and pups, cleaning them feeding them, training them. Having no children of my own this lets me live out my maternal side.
Lastly i love the day they go home, if you have ever taken your new family member home, you will know what i mean as you are so happy and excited. I get to be the one who makes that happen, matching puppies with new forever homes and seeing them make a little family is heart melting.

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