Saturday 17 May 2014

day 1 post care of molly after cesarean

It's been a very hot day today, temperatures peaking around 24 degrees Celsius, this has made it more difficult to keep molly comfortable as well as the puppies, and keep her hydrated as well we have had a window open, but have kept a little blank over the puppies to keep drafts at bay. 
Since brinking molly home yesterday we have kept her in her whelping box with pups, i have been hand feeding her ever 2 hours and using a water bottle with some whelpy milk for mum too, as its a large litter when others are feeding i pick one to feed for mum with a syringe of whelpy milk, and rotating around. As molly has had major surgery i want her to rest today but i also wanted to get her moving, she also didn't want to leave her puppies either, but we had to toilet her in the garden by carrying her to the grass.
27 hours after surgery i wanted to get her moving about to help her heal and feel stronger, shes a bit wobbly which i think is due to sore and pulling from her stitches. i removed her bandage which had mostly fallen off anyway, to clean and inspect her would and took her to the garden. After a bit of encouragement and a few wobbles we got a few laps around the gargen wee and poos! and then she walked back to her puppies. I was very proud her. She will soon be that agile fit and healthy molly again soon.
Molly had an antibiobit tablet this evening and will have one every evening for about 10 days to help fight infection. As well i have changed her towel 3 times today and giving her a bottom wash. Molly's tail was very dirty from her bleeding in the night, bleeding after birth can continue for a few days upto a few weeks, i bathed her tail being careful not to get the puppy's wet and brushed it out gently. Now shes clean and smelling fresh at least for a few hours!

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