Tuesday 20 May 2014

Me and Molly

This is me and Molly at the vets when i picked her up after her cesarean section, she is off to the vets again today for her 3 day check up after the surgery, this is normally included in the vets fees of the cesarean but you should check with your vet to be sure. Hopefully they will be please with her progress I know i am.
I was so happy to see molly safe and well and even more happy to see that all the puppies had survived i had felt sure the one who had been stuck would be lost to us.

I am normally a pets at home user my vet there is fantastic however they were short a vet the day molly went into labor and we know the veterinary hospital which is 24 hour to be exceptional i would recommend them to anyone as well as pets at home Huddersfield.

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