Saturday 28 February 2015

2 weeks old penny's pups lhasa apso puppies

Now 2 weeks old already and right on queue most of the puppies have opened their eyes a little, peeking out at the world for the first time. Here is their 2 week old pictures.



eyes open






Tuesday 24 February 2015

Toby's and Mollys Hydrotherapy Session Diary

Today Toby and Molly went to Paddling paws for their first swimming lesson here is how they got on.
01977 780043
Paddlin Paws, Pontefract

First it was Toby's turn

My instructor helped me in and my first trip around was great fun, I did better than my mummy thought i would i was loving it
Check out the expression on my face, the instructor had a hold of me until she was sure i was confident i was very safe
Each trip around the pool i was led back to the ramp until i understood this was where to get in and out and i got a little rest too
I may look nervous but it was my first time
here i am on the ramp hoping its time to get warm and dry no such luck had a few more laps left in me yet
My instructor was teaching me that i cant get out at the side no matter how much i try
She led me back to the ramp encouraging me to swim by myself and find my won way
Everyone seemed pretty pleased with me and i was keen to show off a bit
next thing you know i swimming all by myself, wicked
back on the ramp at last time for a shake down
i just had to splash my instructor, rude not to really!

my swimming lesson was over all too quickly i was having so much fun
time for my sister molly to have a go
while i prance about the side of the pool trying to steal all the attention.

 Now it was Molly's Turn to get Wet

I had no idea what was instore at this moment, no one told me exercise would be involved.

My first dip into the water was strange i was warm my wet and heavy as my thick coat took on so much water plus i was worried it would mess up my hair.

this is totally ruining my hair isnt it, oh no!

Check out my blue eyes they match that water, I'm a rare blue eyed lhasa apso dont you know

My first trio around seemed like hard work i am a princess i am not used to this, i get weighed on hand and foot at home.

My instructor led me safely back to the ramp

I love my cuddles i took my chance as soon as i had one
I clung onto my instructor nervous about the water at first
Soon i was more confident and was swimming all by myself, 
the ramp, get to the ramp so i can have a little rest, i dont have a water proof coat like some dogs and mine weighed me down a bit but my special jacket kept me safe.

This water tastes good!
On my last lap round the pool the instructor took off my jacket, i had to work really hard to swim but it came naturally to me because i am so strong and athletic. But i am a bit out of shape as we haven't been training during the winter.
Everyone was really please with me, but of course they should be because i am very awesome.

I found the ramp and it was time to get out

Sopping wet, my lovely hair style is ruined, but it was worth it.

No amount of licking is gonna help my look is it?

Raspberry's How dare you take pictures of me looking like this mummy! Check out my diamond shaped pupils

Enough pictures, i'm not posing anymore, please dry me and beautify me immediatley

My instructor dried me off so i was decent enough to face my public again. Many Thanks

Sunday 22 February 2015

7 day old lhasa apso puppies

Here are Penny's pups 1 week old update.
Right on queue each puppy has doubled their birth weight. Penny is doing well, she is a little thin but that's normal she is eating well and the puppy's are fat and healthy so she is doing a great job. She has already gained control of her bladder and is being vocal about wanting to go out again. Penny has started going for walks again just a short one to help her get back into shape, exercise also stimulates the loss of blood from the womb that takes about 2 weeks. 
The puppies are louder and vocal when hungry or cold and their ears are just opening up so they can now hear their surroundings. They are also shuffling around their pen on their tummy's beginning to strengthen their muscles for the task of walking which will follow in the weeks to come. Their little noses have started to go black too.
Lhasa Apso penny with her puppies 7 days old, under the blanket is a warming pad and we also have a hot water bottle in their all day as well and two hot water bottles at night the room is heated so its really warm. The puppies are weighed and checked daily and penny is cleaned to prevent infection in her teats or germs passing to the puppy's for now she is cleaning them but soon there will be too much mess and we will wash them daily for her. her bedding is changed once a day at the moment. Penny and her pups are in a room of their own until they can walk then they move to a busy part of the house in a big pen to start to experience life as a pet dog, and start paper training and weaning.

my beautiful brown eyed lhasa apso penny chew.

we have 4 golden and white colour and 2 black and white boys








Corvus cute and snuggles lhasa apso

leo see how much bigger they are in my hand compared to last week

suggled together all day long

