Monday 24 March 2014

Pennys turn to visit her new mate

Penny visit to max 

I was very apprehensive about penny's visit to stud dog max. We hadn't had time to meet max prior to the day of mating, but a quick review of some pics a chat with his owner and a look at his pedigee and we knew he would be a great choice. As an experienced stud dog he was a good choice for penny not only due to his lovely nature and colouring so he will produce loving puppies who will be great pets with families, but he is also used to dogs.notches of all kinds who are unpredictable and he doesn't react to them he gets on and does his business typical of an experienced stud. 
We looked for this as penny has become unpredictable around other dogs particularly when she is in heat. This is partly due to having been a mum combined with being the leader of the pack. Owning 3 dogs as we do is a pack and each animal fulfils a role in relation to the others, penny is the leader she is guard dog and protector of the other 2. This makes her a lovely guard dog a great mum to her puppies and loving to her pack but she is early of new dogs. So meeting max when she was  in heat meant I needed to be there for her to calm her and tell her she is ok and I will be on look out for her. So she could let her Guard down and mate with her stud. 

here is penny right after happy and ready to go home.

For safety penny wore a safety muzzle a soft harness over her nose which allows her to pant and breath but not to nip anyone or max. She doesn't mind it to much. 
The meeting when very well penny was a bit snippy at first and was too wary to relax ans stand for max but she soon stood and they was  tied within a few mins of arriving. They was  tied for about 12 mins. Penny calmed down after the first 2 mins just like most girls that is the most uncomfortable bit where they first lock together. Then penny wriggled a bit so I held her steady, soon it was  all over penny was having a little chat with max then decompressed had enough an  headed for the door so before she got all defensive again, we paid Macs owners and made our appointment for the second visit with is included.

Here is the link to Maxs contacts. 

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