Saturday 7 June 2014

Puppy Weaning Formula Mix

Molly's pups first weaning food

 My blender permanently smells of this stuff!
The 2 essential ingredients, puppy milk, half a carton and half a tinof meat made a shallow tray of mix for the puppy's first day, tomorrow mix will be the same consistency then i will reduce the milk to a third for 2 days then to just quarter and then to water, and by then end of the week they will be on solid(mashed with a fork) food, and water from a bowl, amazing how these little ones learn so fast.
feeding tray was made out of the bottom of an icecream tub.

 They was all very excited by this new interactive food, they stood in it then licked it off their feet, then came back for more. They lick it off each others faces, it makes them feel cold as they are not used to cold food, but they love the taste so they keep coming back for more. It just wipes out their fur with a towel so its not to much of a clean up. By the end they have learned to lick!

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