Saturday 19 July 2014

DEPARTING PUPPIES Lhasa Apso Pluto off to his forever home

Pluto who was first renames Archie, but as a tribute to Pippin who was renamed Dexter by his new owner, Plutos new family also wanted to use this name too. (are you keeping up!) What happened was Archie's new owewer has an adorable son who just fell in love with pippin, partly because he is so cute and i think partly because he is a lord of the rings fan, he came to see pippin whenever his mum came to see Archie, once they new pippin was to be called Dexter i think they all really liked the name as well, so now they will always remember pippin! how cute is that. Thanks as well for the lovely card you made for Dexter, i know he will have alot of tlc and fun with you guys, i cant have wished for a better family for this very special dog.
Here is some pics of Dexter before he left today, i forgot to take a family pic please send one in if you would like to be on the blog.

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