Sunday 27 April 2014

getting ready for birth

Over the past weeks I have been busy building penny and Molly's whelping boxes. These can be bought online or you can make one your self. Once these are in position, I lay the mats and vet fleece ready for the birth day, and beside the box get all the bits I need.
Wipes for cleaning the bitch after each delivery.
Flannel 1 for each pup for cleaning after birth.
Gloves apron and hand sanitizer
Puppy bed with head pad or hot water bottles blanket and towel once puppies are cleaned I place  then on the heated towel and under the blanket in a little puppy bed until mum is ready to feed
Spare towels and puppy pads
Birth record sheet and pen and scales to record and weigh each puppy and to track the birth timings
Medical kit, kidney dish, sterile scissor, sterile clamps, sterile forceps, alcohol wipes, iodine, mat, lubricant, thermometer, bulb aspirations, sterilizing tablets, stethoscope, dressings and pads in case of emergency.
Torch battery
Phone and emergency vet number.

All this is ready to go next to the whelping box, most can be ordered online or obtained through your vet.

2 weeks from birth due I take then too be groomed keeping their coat short but not too short helps with hygiene issues.

building trust

You may already have a loving relationship with your female but during pregnancy and whelping your bond is even more important. A happy mum means happy pups which make happy pets. Everything is important to mum and pups from what they eat to what they listen to, and how much attention they receive is just as important.
By 3 weeks till due I have the whelping box set up where I plan for her to give birth and spend the first few nights at least, for me this is in the bedroom next to my bed a  whelping normally happens at night and I like to keep ans eye on their feeding for the first week night an  day.
To help help her become acquainted with her box I place her in it give a treat and lots of tummy rubs one every day until they are born. This helps the box to home, for feel familiar, builds trust and security and helps her get used to you being near the box so she trusts you with her puppies when they arrive and she is more calm an relaxed.

2 pregnant Bitches

When we decided to breed both at the same time it was as we wanted  to produce puppies from them as penny's puppies have been so successful at becoming loving pets and because Molly is th  perfect pet and specimen of a lhasa also, who is also strikingly beautiful.
Last time penny had a litter Molly and Penny did not get along due to the difference in their hormone levels and penny's need to protect her litter. After a discussion with my vet who breeds his two females at the same time he suggested that while this is more work for me and we will need to find more homes it is leas stressful and more beneficial on a way to the girls as they will be in the same place. However this can easily make no difference and they can still become aggressive for a period while their puppies are you'd and dependant on them. 
So far we have prepared different areas for them to whelp in so they feel safe and will not need to have contact with each other, but so far they have been more loving to each other than ever. Snuggling together cleaning each other and keeping each other warm. I like to think penny has been coaching Molly on what to expect. So hopefully this calm during pregnancy will last through whelping and even with the behaviour changes that I expect not change their relationship with each other.

penny is pregnant

Right on queue about 5 weeks pregnant I can now tell for certain she is pregnant. If you had asked me 2 days ago I could.not have said for sure there were signs, but now the swelling under the ribs and those little bumps can be cylinder the skin are unmistakable.

The first sign of pregnancy is around 2 weeks some morning sickness and an increased appetite. By 3 weeks she will be eating a ton and show slightly enlarged nipples. By week 4 there is a little weight gain but not enough to really notice it. The puppies developed up close to the ribs and by week 5 the weight of the growing puppies drop the murderous down wards and you see she is wide on the side.

This is where penny is now by week 6 she will develope her milk and in the last 2 weeks the puppies do extensive growing and moving and penny will become uncomfortable, need lots of protein, love and care, and rest. She and Molly will continue to exercise to keep strong and healthy for Labour but with shorter walks as they now tire quickly. It is also important to remember to leave extra water down a  they drink a lot more in these final few weeks.

By May calculations Molly is due on the 20th of May and Penny on the 26th 2014. I am so excited. We have been very busy getting ready for the new arrivals.

Monday 21 April 2014

molly is pregnant

It is funny with dogs playing the waiting game to see if they are pregnant. This past week Molly has been getting fatter and has her teats enlarges a bit about double the size. Then today half way through her pregnancy her tummy just drops a bit and I can now feel the little ball like puppies under her skin. They are  mot kicking yet and are about golf ball size.
I am so happy to finally know for sure. I have been very busy getting ready just in case, building her and enjoy their whelping boxes, preparing a whelping kit, and getting old towels and channels ready for the birth.

Just waiting for penny to show signs she is pregnant to. In the mean time I have now moved on to building a puppy pen to house and entertain both litters once they are weaned.
Pictures of all equipment plus its purpose will be posted up soon.