Sunday 27 April 2014

penny is pregnant

Right on queue about 5 weeks pregnant I can now tell for certain she is pregnant. If you had asked me 2 days ago I could.not have said for sure there were signs, but now the swelling under the ribs and those little bumps can be cylinder the skin are unmistakable.

The first sign of pregnancy is around 2 weeks some morning sickness and an increased appetite. By 3 weeks she will be eating a ton and show slightly enlarged nipples. By week 4 there is a little weight gain but not enough to really notice it. The puppies developed up close to the ribs and by week 5 the weight of the growing puppies drop the murderous down wards and you see she is wide on the side.

This is where penny is now by week 6 she will develope her milk and in the last 2 weeks the puppies do extensive growing and moving and penny will become uncomfortable, need lots of protein, love and care, and rest. She and Molly will continue to exercise to keep strong and healthy for Labour but with shorter walks as they now tire quickly. It is also important to remember to leave extra water down a  they drink a lot more in these final few weeks.

By May calculations Molly is due on the 20th of May and Penny on the 26th 2014. I am so excited. We have been very busy getting ready for the new arrivals.

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