Tuesday 17 July 2012

Latest Videos

Four videos designed to make you go ahhh.

5  week old weigh in

Poppy 2Ib 4 ounces

Lemon 1Ib 14 1/8 ounces

Squeak 2Ib 13 1/8

Ginger 2Ib 8

Spot 2Ib 6

Magic 2Ib  11

This week the puppies have met lots of new people, as they have been meeting potential new families. We now have families for 2 of penny's puppies, Ginger and Magic have been chosen to join loving new homes. Hopefully all the puppies will have new homes lined up as the sonner they enter their new home the sooner they can begin learning everything they need to know to be a good pet.

Friday 13 July 2012


This past weeks has seen the puppies develpopment really coming along, they are more steady on their feet, eating well, and are taking more on an interest in humans.

Eating solid food

While they are not quite chewing food yet, this week they have been eating puppy bickies that have been soaked in puppy milk, so they are soft. now they have to break up their own food instead of me mashing it for them, they all ghet stuck in and use their ridged gums to break up the soft crumbly bickies and they love it.

Drinking water

With introducing dry bickies, it was time to get them to like water, at first nonw drank it after sniffing it a bit and i thought id have to add milk to it and slowly dilute it then it was magic who lef the way, Diving in feet first he drank up and the others soon heard the activity and came over to give it a go. Down side is wee wees just got bigger and more frequent.

Attention seeking

They have quickly learned that humans provide, food, tickles, cuddles and get them out their box. So they are using their newly discovered voices to get things. They now follow me around their play area hoping to get a tickle or some more food if they have run out. Its very cutes, they also clamber up at the edge of their play area hoping to see their mum or me.

No more mum

The puppies had their last feed from mum yesterday, slowly they went down to one per day then one every other day and now they wont see her for a few days to allow the milk to dry up, instead they will spend time with dad to get to know him better.

Group photos







Thursday 12 July 2012


Lastest video posing puppies

Here are the puppies posing for their group shot for the paper. Its no easy task to get 6 active puppies to sit still, we kind of managed it here is the pic and link to a video.

4 week old weigh in

Poppy 2Ib 2 1/4 ounces
Lemon 1Ib 12ounces
Squeak 2Ib 6 1/2
Ginger 2Ib 3 1/4
Spot 2Ib 4 1/8
Magic 2Ib 6 1/4

This week has been wonderful ful of firsts! The puppy's are all getting bigger and more active which makes it fun to be around them now, as there is more to see and they are funny, Walking into things tearing things up and play fighting.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Latest Video

In this video see the puppy's walking, running, chewing, eating and playing, see squeak be the most active, im sure he is dancing in this video, see how they all end up together sleeping in a big pile.

There were 6 in the bed and the other one said...

Walk before you can run



This week has been full of milestones for the puppies, they have been trying to run when they can just about walk, they get into a sitting position and take off like a rocket and land after a few feet flat out on their tummies, adorable.

The desperate teething pain that puppies go through leads to fighting, biting and eating. Chewing on each others ears and limbs leads to rolling around growling at each other, but its all harmless puppy learning and fun.

Due to teething the puppies are biting down on anything, mostoly each other but, they have started ripping up paper, chewing toys and having a go on my feet and fingers. When they bite me, although it doenst hurt, to help them learn i make a loud noise and pull away, when you get your puppy home you should continue with this as well as never feeding them by hand, will help them quickly learn that they can cause humans pain. Not that they every would they are far to cute to do that!


Today we had the puppys first training on chewing food, it went very well. They have been enjoying their puppy mix of blended food and milk for a week and that has been very successful for all pups, they have just one feeding with mum in the evening, but penny is not enjoying this now and it is time to stop completely, so i wont encourage her anymore but let her decide if she wants to feed in the evening by leaving her with them and also ensuring that the puppys have the mix available too. So today i soaked puppy meat in milk for about twenty mins and crushed it with a fork, then as normal they just licked up the milk. However they clearly dont know how yummy meat is it took a few trys of placing it into their mouths that they all returned to the bowls to try to pick up the crumbly soft meat, all chewed it, and ate plenty. Also a lot ended up on the floor and on the puppies which led to the next mile stone.

After their meat feeding it was time for fist bath, bathing after feeding helped them to keep warm and feel more comfortable. The intro to bathing needed to go well as Lhasa's they will need regular bathing so they need to be comfortable and calm in water. Each was bathed individually and slowly they were all calm and sat in the sink in a walm shallow bath while i rubbed them with a wet flannel. then they were hugged by my handy assisstant and rubbed dry.It went very well. they needed a bath as baby wipes just wernt keeping up with the smell of poo and newspaper stained feet! Now we can begin to see their fluffy Lhasa coats soft and shiny and so long already.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

2nd day feeding

now onto THE BOWL!


The puppys did wonderfully today see here lots of pics showing them feeding from the bowl, they have learnt this so quickly and simply love their new food. they dont like it cold as much so i leave it out a while. here they ate so much i had to refil the bowl twice. we did this 3 times today and finnished with 1 feed from mum, they also watched t.v katy perry was on, and looked out the window in the sunshine and went on skype to see friend down south, a very eventful day for the puppies and it all starts again tomorrow.

1st feeding session

1st feeding session

here are the pics from the puppy's first feeding with there puppy mix on a tray for them to play with, we did this with them once twice yesterday.
see the link in the post below to a video of the event.
They stood in their food, licking it off each other and them selves they had fun. they got a bit cold and all needed a bath after. They had tasted this food several times as i began introducing it to their daily die,t placing it in their mouths for them once a day at first then twice over the past week. Now they will have 3 feedings per day of this mix of puppy food and milk and 1 feed with mum in the evening for 1 week untill no more mum and 4 feeds a day of milk and food mix, slowly cutting back the milk and making it lumpier as we go.
first some playtime with mum and dad
during this session they all used the paper area for toilet and not one wee on the rug
the tray of food was very messy!

this was the mess after the morning feeding, the bowl i had ready to clean them after.

video of puppys walking and feeding

1st feeding with puppy mix and walking about


see here a video of the puppy walking and hopping, barking and crying and feeding for the first time together.


3 week old weigh in

3 Week Old Weight In

Poppy 1 Ib 11 3/8

Lemon 1 Ib 7 7/8

Squeak 1 Ib 14 1/4

Ginger 1 Ib 14 1/8

Spot 1 Ib 13 7/8

Magic 1 Ib 15 1/2
At 3 weeks old they all weigh in a healthy weights lemon is still a bit behind but is gaining nicely. at this 3 week age they are all now walking and hopping, barking and squeaking, eating from a bowl, rolling over and peeing on paper. They are growing up too fast!

Boys in Basket

Here the boys wait to feed with mum, they sit in the basket while mum has a chance to feed the others, this is from the left Ginger, Squeak and Magic.

Sunday 1 July 2012


Last night the puppies had their first taste of dog food, the recipe is a mix of a hand full of puppie biggies for nutrients and texture and half a tin of puppy meat with a can and half of puppy milk, blended it makes a paste like mixture the texture of tomatoe soup, it stinks like poo! and will last about 3 days kept in the fridge. I fed them by syringe hoping they would learn to lap their food. This morning i put a bowl of the mixture down and got them out of their box and put them on the floor.
What happened next was messy! They stood in it and the cold floor made them all wee and poo and they licked it all off each other.
What they learned, i hope, is that it tastes nice and that they have to lick and lap to eat.
Then they all had a wash and got a bit cold and shivered for the first time, then they all went back to bed to get warm.
This morning due to last nights feeding there was a lot of mess in their box so they needed a good wash anyway. Its a good plan to have a few cloths and warm water ready for washing and a hot water bottle in a basket to place them on once they have been washed and towel dried.
During the feeding i keep mum and dad outside, as they love this blend of food and would gladly eat it all which will teach the puppies but its too rich for them, and will upset their tummies.