Sunday 8 July 2012

Walk before you can run



This week has been full of milestones for the puppies, they have been trying to run when they can just about walk, they get into a sitting position and take off like a rocket and land after a few feet flat out on their tummies, adorable.

The desperate teething pain that puppies go through leads to fighting, biting and eating. Chewing on each others ears and limbs leads to rolling around growling at each other, but its all harmless puppy learning and fun.

Due to teething the puppies are biting down on anything, mostoly each other but, they have started ripping up paper, chewing toys and having a go on my feet and fingers. When they bite me, although it doenst hurt, to help them learn i make a loud noise and pull away, when you get your puppy home you should continue with this as well as never feeding them by hand, will help them quickly learn that they can cause humans pain. Not that they every would they are far to cute to do that!


Today we had the puppys first training on chewing food, it went very well. They have been enjoying their puppy mix of blended food and milk for a week and that has been very successful for all pups, they have just one feeding with mum in the evening, but penny is not enjoying this now and it is time to stop completely, so i wont encourage her anymore but let her decide if she wants to feed in the evening by leaving her with them and also ensuring that the puppys have the mix available too. So today i soaked puppy meat in milk for about twenty mins and crushed it with a fork, then as normal they just licked up the milk. However they clearly dont know how yummy meat is it took a few trys of placing it into their mouths that they all returned to the bowls to try to pick up the crumbly soft meat, all chewed it, and ate plenty. Also a lot ended up on the floor and on the puppies which led to the next mile stone.

After their meat feeding it was time for fist bath, bathing after feeding helped them to keep warm and feel more comfortable. The intro to bathing needed to go well as Lhasa's they will need regular bathing so they need to be comfortable and calm in water. Each was bathed individually and slowly they were all calm and sat in the sink in a walm shallow bath while i rubbed them with a wet flannel. then they were hugged by my handy assisstant and rubbed dry.It went very well. they needed a bath as baby wipes just wernt keeping up with the smell of poo and newspaper stained feet! Now we can begin to see their fluffy Lhasa coats soft and shiny and so long already.

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