Sunday 1 July 2012


Last night the puppies had their first taste of dog food, the recipe is a mix of a hand full of puppie biggies for nutrients and texture and half a tin of puppy meat with a can and half of puppy milk, blended it makes a paste like mixture the texture of tomatoe soup, it stinks like poo! and will last about 3 days kept in the fridge. I fed them by syringe hoping they would learn to lap their food. This morning i put a bowl of the mixture down and got them out of their box and put them on the floor.
What happened next was messy! They stood in it and the cold floor made them all wee and poo and they licked it all off each other.
What they learned, i hope, is that it tastes nice and that they have to lick and lap to eat.
Then they all had a wash and got a bit cold and shivered for the first time, then they all went back to bed to get warm.
This morning due to last nights feeding there was a lot of mess in their box so they needed a good wash anyway. Its a good plan to have a few cloths and warm water ready for washing and a hot water bottle in a basket to place them on once they have been washed and towel dried.
During the feeding i keep mum and dad outside, as they love this blend of food and would gladly eat it all which will teach the puppies but its too rich for them, and will upset their tummies.

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