Friday 13 July 2012


This past weeks has seen the puppies develpopment really coming along, they are more steady on their feet, eating well, and are taking more on an interest in humans.

Eating solid food

While they are not quite chewing food yet, this week they have been eating puppy bickies that have been soaked in puppy milk, so they are soft. now they have to break up their own food instead of me mashing it for them, they all ghet stuck in and use their ridged gums to break up the soft crumbly bickies and they love it.

Drinking water

With introducing dry bickies, it was time to get them to like water, at first nonw drank it after sniffing it a bit and i thought id have to add milk to it and slowly dilute it then it was magic who lef the way, Diving in feet first he drank up and the others soon heard the activity and came over to give it a go. Down side is wee wees just got bigger and more frequent.

Attention seeking

They have quickly learned that humans provide, food, tickles, cuddles and get them out their box. So they are using their newly discovered voices to get things. They now follow me around their play area hoping to get a tickle or some more food if they have run out. Its very cutes, they also clamber up at the edge of their play area hoping to see their mum or me.

No more mum

The puppies had their last feed from mum yesterday, slowly they went down to one per day then one every other day and now they wont see her for a few days to allow the milk to dry up, instead they will spend time with dad to get to know him better.

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