Thursday 28 June 2012

2 weeks old

14  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 3 3/4

Lemon 1 Ib 0 1/2

Squeak 1 Ib 7 1/8

Ginger 1 Ib 4 1/2

Spot 1 Ib 6

Magic 1 Ib 7 1/4
Wow 2 weeks old and all all the puppies have doubled in size magic has almost trippled, he is now the biggest of the pups. Lemon while the tiny pup has started to find her feet and as she is the lighest will probably be the first to walk, magic still tummy shuffling around. Ginger is the quietest pup, who loves a cuddle.
We have begun the daily routine of holding them each for about 15 mins a couple of times a day. This is to begin their training in getting used to people, as they are so cute lots of people will want to hold them.
We are brushing them with a soft baby brush during cuddle time, as they are lhasa apso's the sooner they het used to the daily brushing their coats will require, especaily is their new owners decide to keep them with long show coats and not short how we keep penny and toby. We do this as they get too hot and enjoy walks in the woods which they couldnt do with long coats.
We also have begun exposing them to new sounds and light. Playing a bit of music and tv. and as the weeks progress we will move their nest to the kitchen, this is a busy noisy place nearest the front door and road so they can get used to all sounds and smells and we will play the radio to help them hear different pitch and tones. This is so they dont become nervous dogs or ones who bark at every little noise.
There is much to do every day at the moment, with feeding more they wee and poo more, so their bedding has be be changed throughout the day, their coats are getting longer so their easily become dirty. Mostly a wipe each day with a grooming wipe does the trick but for bigger messes, its a warm sponge bath, penny likes to help out, but as soon as they sense her near they thinks its feeding time and wriggle about. I doent emerse them in water yet, we build up to that as they will need many baths and lots of grooming as adult dogs so we dont want them to be afraid of water, plus as they are still little they would get too cold and could develop a chill. Of course if the puppies are dirty then penny usually is as well so she needs a bath too!
Hand feeding Lemon, I use a puppy milk substitute which is made of goats milk and is close enough to mums milk that is is easy for her to digest this will become a stable part of all the puppies diets as we begin to wean them onto solid food. For feeding i first tried her on a lille lactol bottle but the teet seemed to hard for her so wont lock to it, so i reverted to a tiny animal medicine syring from the ver and she licks of a few drops as i squirt very gently into her mouth, because of this she will probably be the first to learn to lap up food as she will have had the most practice.
We bought a new blender just for the puppies today to use for mixing their soft food for weaning. I plan to blend a handful of puppy bickies which have been moistened with puppy milk with a spoon ful of puppy meet then blended, at first adding more milk so its watery then slowly making it into a paste with less and less milk over about 3 weeks untill they are just on soft meat, and just before this i will introduce a water bowl for them to play with, and of course learn to drink.
Puppies learn fast and the next few weeks it will be all about keeping up with their development helping them walk and learn to play, learning how to treat other animals and humans and of course first trip to vets.
Stay tuned to see all the puppies mile stones over the next exciting few weeks.

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