Thursday 14 June 2012

The not so fun side of breeding!

Penny stays in one room at the moment with her puppies in a special whelping box, she leaves the box only to pop and wee, which is on the floor! She has been outside but isnt really up to it and on all four attempts her bladder let go on the stairs!
Penny's room is kept really warm with a heater and hot water bottles to keep the puppies toasty but with wee and poo everywhere (on special mats most of the time!) + puppies just wee and poo them selves in their bed, it kind of smells like a farm in there!
We have had to spend over £100 so far on training pads which have to be changed all day long, but once pups find their feet we switch to newspaper, this is because training pads feel like carpet under foot and will only train them to pee on carpet so paper better. The Puppy's towels and blankets get soiled quickly to they are changed every 4 hours. My washing machine is running constantly at the moment.
Penny and the Puppy's have to be weighed, which is just one of the records that have to be kept filled in, along with photos and maintaining the blog for furture owners to read, each puppy has a health record that need daily upkeep.
Toby, Penny's mate and a family pet is very upset by the whole thing, hes really just a fuss pot! He crys when he cant be near one of us and/or the puppys, but its too soon for Toby to be near them, Penny wont allow it, so he pretty much just whines all the time! He is normally such a quiet boy, but he is clearly concerned with all the goings on, so is my constant head ache (now i know how new mums feel with screaming babies).
Penny and the Puppy's have to be watched 24/7 for a couple of weeks, so i have the pleasure of sleeping in the farm smelling room! Plus when we both have to go out as we did today we have to have a dog sitter come to do the 4 hourly bedding change, the poo and wee cleaning, soothing toby's hurt feelings, hand feeding penny and rotating the pups so they all get to feed, all day long! Not Cheap! 
Our Cat patch has not left under the bed all day not even for her favourite treats, clearly in protest!

So its not all Cute Puppy's you know!

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