Thursday 14 June 2012

Mile Stone

Mile Stone

Crying when in need
Today i can distincly tell when a puppy is in need and so can penny. They dry of they are too cold or warm or stuck some where or hunngry or being sat on. Mum responds to the crys by investigating, licking them and helping them move around

Moving Away from mum
Today the puppy's began to venture further away moving to the outer edges of the box, sometimes to cool of, but others because theu have energy and they are inquisative. Often they are just lost and trying to find mum, but they haven't opened their eyes yet. The puppies still cant walk so they shufflle, they look like small snakes slithering about on their tummies and often end up rolling over as all their weight is round their middle and dont yet have any strength in their legs, but they give it a good go.

1st signs of play
The puppy's seem to move about in pairs and roll ontop of each other like playing.

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