Sunday 17 June 2012

Four Days Old Weigh In

Poppy = 10 1/2

Lemon = 9 1/2

Squeak = 11 7/8

Ginger = 10 7/8

Spot = 12 1/4

Magic = 11 1/2ounces

Today we have played close attention to poppy and lemon and we saw poppy gain weight to catch up with the boys but lemon is still gaining slowly and she is noticable going to be a little girl. Penny has had a rough day today, she isnt feeling too great, she has gotten something in her eye, likely from being so mucky all the time! but we have rinsed with serile water and will hope it clears up after a few treatments if not its off to the vets. She is also very tired but is eating well and drinking tons.

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