Monday 7 January 2013


Labour started around 4 in the afternoon afternoon, but Penny had odd all day so i knew it was time. Firstly she had not eaten anything all day, she kept trying to get behind the sofa or going off alone digging at her dog bed. Then came the constant trips outside, she would ask to go in the garden every 5 mins she was clearly straining to break her waters. then around 8pm a small amount of fluid came out and there is a distinct smell around her, and she is hiding in her pet cave and growling at our other Lhasa. 
I took penny up to her whelping box which she had been sleeping in at night in our guest room with me for a little over a week now. i put the heaters on to warm the room, as my main concern is keeping the puppies warm while they wait to feed, if they cry it distracts penny from labour. I filled 2 hot water bottles. placing them under a fleece for a place to put the puppies while penny continued with labour. I got the medical kit ready and laid it out, filled a feeding bottle with fresh cold water to keep penny hydrated during labour i got the record sheets and scales ready to weight them and flannels one for each puppy, to rub them clean before they go to their warm bed. 
I was ready, Penny was ready, it was time.

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