Thursday 28 June 2012

2 weeks old

14  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 3 3/4

Lemon 1 Ib 0 1/2

Squeak 1 Ib 7 1/8

Ginger 1 Ib 4 1/2

Spot 1 Ib 6

Magic 1 Ib 7 1/4
Wow 2 weeks old and all all the puppies have doubled in size magic has almost trippled, he is now the biggest of the pups. Lemon while the tiny pup has started to find her feet and as she is the lighest will probably be the first to walk, magic still tummy shuffling around. Ginger is the quietest pup, who loves a cuddle.
We have begun the daily routine of holding them each for about 15 mins a couple of times a day. This is to begin their training in getting used to people, as they are so cute lots of people will want to hold them.
We are brushing them with a soft baby brush during cuddle time, as they are lhasa apso's the sooner they het used to the daily brushing their coats will require, especaily is their new owners decide to keep them with long show coats and not short how we keep penny and toby. We do this as they get too hot and enjoy walks in the woods which they couldnt do with long coats.
We also have begun exposing them to new sounds and light. Playing a bit of music and tv. and as the weeks progress we will move their nest to the kitchen, this is a busy noisy place nearest the front door and road so they can get used to all sounds and smells and we will play the radio to help them hear different pitch and tones. This is so they dont become nervous dogs or ones who bark at every little noise.
There is much to do every day at the moment, with feeding more they wee and poo more, so their bedding has be be changed throughout the day, their coats are getting longer so their easily become dirty. Mostly a wipe each day with a grooming wipe does the trick but for bigger messes, its a warm sponge bath, penny likes to help out, but as soon as they sense her near they thinks its feeding time and wriggle about. I doent emerse them in water yet, we build up to that as they will need many baths and lots of grooming as adult dogs so we dont want them to be afraid of water, plus as they are still little they would get too cold and could develop a chill. Of course if the puppies are dirty then penny usually is as well so she needs a bath too!
Hand feeding Lemon, I use a puppy milk substitute which is made of goats milk and is close enough to mums milk that is is easy for her to digest this will become a stable part of all the puppies diets as we begin to wean them onto solid food. For feeding i first tried her on a lille lactol bottle but the teet seemed to hard for her so wont lock to it, so i reverted to a tiny animal medicine syring from the ver and she licks of a few drops as i squirt very gently into her mouth, because of this she will probably be the first to learn to lap up food as she will have had the most practice.
We bought a new blender just for the puppies today to use for mixing their soft food for weaning. I plan to blend a handful of puppy bickies which have been moistened with puppy milk with a spoon ful of puppy meet then blended, at first adding more milk so its watery then slowly making it into a paste with less and less milk over about 3 weeks untill they are just on soft meat, and just before this i will introduce a water bowl for them to play with, and of course learn to drink.
Puppies learn fast and the next few weeks it will be all about keeping up with their development helping them walk and learn to play, learning how to treat other animals and humans and of course first trip to vets.
Stay tuned to see all the puppies mile stones over the next exciting few weeks.

Latest Video Links

Here you can see penny feeding her very hungry puppies. Also see penny protect her pups when toby gets too close! See also the puppies eyes starting to open.

Here you can see the puppies crash out after feeding and how they twitch and digest the milk and the air in their tummys, also penny fidgeting from being so hot after feeding. See also the puppies shiny coat, they look almost wet, it is so soft and fluffy. You can hear squeak as he rolls about squeaking and see close up their little pink noses turning black.

13  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 3 1/8

Lemon 1 Ib 0 1/4

Squeak 1 Ib 6 1/4

Ginger 1 Ib 3

Spot 1 Ib 4 3/8

Magic 1 Ib 6 1/4
Unlucky for some but today was magical the puppies opened their eyes except for squeak whos are just partically open. poppy finally caught uo with ginger in size and with now a 6ox gap between lemon and the biggest pup, we have decided to begin supplimentting her with puppy milk just a little extra a 4 times a day between feeding with penny. magic and squeak now weigh the same, magic is just gorgeous beautiful deep brown eyes and just stares at you while you tickle his tummy.

12  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 2 1/8

Lemon 15 3/8

Squeak 1 Ib 4 1/2

Ginger 1 Ib 2 5/8

Spot 1 Ib 3 1/2

Magic 1 Ib 4 3/4
Today we could see the puppies begin to open their eyes. Penny is beginning to loosed interest in feeding her puppies already which is a bit earlier, it is clearly becoming uncomfortable for her as the puppies teeth will soon break through their gums. you can see the ridges forming. They are alos becoming more active spending more time awake rolling around and being noisy.

11  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 0 3/4

Lemon 14
Squeak 1 Ib 3 1/2

Ginger 1 Ib 1 2/8

Spot 1 Ib 3

Magic 1 Ib 2 7/8

Saturday 23 June 2012

Development information

Newborn Puppy Growth and Development & Behavior up to 3 weeks
A puppy is born blind, deaf and toothless
During its first week 90% of a puppys time is spent sleeping and 10% eating. The are only able to crawl
The puppy's eyes, which are closed at birth, open when it is between one and two weeks old. It then begins to see.
The pups ears should open when it is two to three weeks old.
Puppies whimper when they are cold, hungry or uncomfortable
Puppys grow while they sleep
A puppy is reliant on its mother for the first few weeks for food, comfort and to learn basic dog requirements

Todays Pics

The puppies have a cycle going now, penny feeds them then they sleep then they are awake, making noise and rolling around, then they feed and it all starts over again.

Here is Penny after she had a bit of a trim, im pleased to report that she is reponding to treatment, even her vet was impressed at how quickly she has progressed, but she is not out of the woods, it could take a long time to heal properly. She is smiling here hiding her puppies keeping them warm.

Mummy's little angel, Lemon
Gorgeous Ginger, All the puppies have now got their black spots on their noses, this is them loosing their puppy pink noses and turning black.

My personal favourite Magic, I lover their little wrinkles of fat o their legs so cute, Magic has one ear that goes back and one that goes forward, it wont stay that way forever but it so cute.

10  Day old weigh in

Poppy 1 Ib 3/4

Lemon 14

Squeak 1 Ib 3 1/2

Ginger 1 Ib 1 7/8

Spot 1 Ib 3

Magic 1 Ib 2 7/8

9  Day old weigh in

 Poppy 15 3/4

Lemon 13

Squeak 1 Ib 2 1/4

Ginger 1 Ib  1/8

Spot 1 Ib 1 5/8

Magic 1 Ib 1 5/8

8  Day old weigh in

 Poppy 14 1/4

Lemon 12 5/8

Squeak 1 lb 1ounce

Ginger 15 1/2

Spot 1 Ib 1/8

Magic 1 Ib 1/2
An amazing day for the puppies, they are moving around a lot more and now feeding less often, but when they do feed they are very hungry, i will hopefully have a video of this soon. they are all much bigger except lemon with a 4 ounces between her and squeak, she is perfectly healthy just a smaller god, girls are naturally smaller in this bread. see picture below of lemon along side squeak.

7 Day old weigh in


Poppy 13 1/8
Lemon 11 7/8
Squeak 15 5/8
Ginger 15
Spot 15
Magic 14 3/4

Today we saw poppy gain the most weight catching up with the boys and lemon also put on over an ounce. And squeak ginger and spot all gaining almost 2 ounces. Their fur is also getting much longer and today they needed a good cleaning as they got covered in someones poo, nice puppies!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Mile Stones

All the puppies have a definate bark noise now, each is very different and it not loud, but when they are stuck somewhere on the box or hungry or cold, instead of wimpering they have a little bark. I'm usre it will only get louder from here on!
Meeting Dad
Well the puppies are just a few hours away from a week old so we felt it was time to meet dad. He was great with them very excited when he could see them move and make noise, i think when the are running around and playing with toys he's going to go mental, and have lots on fun with them.

Getting bigger

Here is Spot, Ginger and Squeek the 3 big boys. As you can see from the pics shen you compare to the day they were born on previous posts you can see they have now grown around an 3 cm on lenth an 3 cms around. they are now so big they dont fit in my hand anymore, with the exception of lemon who while she is healthy and gaining weight she is still a bit smaller than the others.

Toby, puppies father

Here is gorgeous Toby, father to the beautiful puppies, he has come into see them today. he was very excited, i think he saw them as a toy to be played with, he was jumping around and sniffing them. penny got a bit agitated when he came near the box but not if he was near a puppy away from the box. this is beacuse she is territorial, and doesnt see toby as a threat. She behaves the same way with food most of the time! he was sat here on the corner of the bed watching me clean the puppies and give them a daily health check.

Today Pics

The cute puppies like to huddle together, when they are not in one big pile they are in two groups of three! They seem to always sleep on top of the smaller ones, like in the wild they could do this for warmth and protection.

Six Days Old Weigh In

Poppy = 12

Lemon = 10 5/8

Squeak = 14

Ginger = 13

Spot = 13 1/8

Magic = 13 7/8 ounces

A sad day today, Penny went to the vets today and it seems her poorly eye is more serious than we thought, she has an ulser and the vet said its a bad one, she must have got something in her eye and formed a deep ulser, she is on eyes drops 5 times a day and hopefully it will improve, but worse case senario she could loose her sight in that eye. Her pooly eye hasnt affected her love and attention for her puppies, she is still feeding and cleaning them and when they fall asleep she leaves her box to have a nap on the cool plastic mat near her box. Penny also had a bit of a trim today, she has always taken being groomed so well, i timmed her fur so her puppies have easier access to feed and keeping her clean will be easier too, but not to much cut off as she still needs that fur to keep her puppies warm.

Five Days Old Weigh In

Poppy = 11 3/8

Lemon = 10 1/8

Squeak = 12 1/2

Ginger = 11 7/8

Spot = 13

Magic = 12 7/8 ounces
A good day for puppies today all gained weight again and are getting noticably bigger. They are each starting to develop their unique sound, spot has a definate little bark and magic makes the great purring cry. Penny was still pooly today so booked vets for tomorrow.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Four Days Old Weigh In

Poppy = 10 1/2

Lemon = 9 1/2

Squeak = 11 7/8

Ginger = 10 7/8

Spot = 12 1/4

Magic = 11 1/2ounces

Today we have played close attention to poppy and lemon and we saw poppy gain weight to catch up with the boys but lemon is still gaining slowly and she is noticable going to be a little girl. Penny has had a rough day today, she isnt feeling too great, she has gotten something in her eye, likely from being so mucky all the time! but we have rinsed with serile water and will hope it clears up after a few treatments if not its off to the vets. She is also very tired but is eating well and drinking tons.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Three Days Old Weigh In

Poppy = 9 3/4

Lemon = 9 1/8

Squeak = 11 1/8

Ginger = 10 3/8

Spot = 11 3/8

Magic = 10 3/4 ounces

Today we have played close attention to poppy and lemon and while they have gained weight it is not as much as the others, this seems to be only because after feeding for a few mins they fall asleep! but they are gaining thats what counts. spot is definately the biggest. Today saw all the boys gain over and ounce, which is great. Poor little penny laying still all day to fee her pups, she is also doing great, but she needs to eat more, but like any good mum she is putting her pups first, but i'm keeping my eye on her.

Friday 15 June 2012

Video Clips

Video Clips

Enthusiastic feeding time rolling over

Puppy tickles

Noisy Puppys finding their voice

Day 2 Pictures

Todays Pictures

Mile Stones

Waging tails

Today we saw wagging tails, its more of a shake but when they are feeding of tickling their little tails are a moving!

Rolling Over
Not all but some of the puppies were rolling over today, Magic enjoyed this activity he rolled over one way and back again the other. You can see Magic rolling about in todays Videos.

Two  Day Old Weigh In

Poppy = 9

Lemon = 8 3/8

Squeak = 10 1/8

Ginger = 9 1/2

Spot = 10 1/2

Magic = 9 5/8 ounces

All the Puppy's are gaining weight nicely, they already feel and look bigger, Lemon is the smallest and we are keeping a close eye on her feeding times. Penny is a great mum, she lays out straight for her puppys to snuggle near her and she likes to have one just under her arm by her chin, adorable.

Bath Time

This afternoon Penny had a half bath, this is just a dunk in a warm bath cleaning her legs and bottom, she seemed to enjoy this and didnt cry once during just looked up at me with her big brown eyes. Then she had a blow dry so that she went back to her puppies warm and dry.
Puppy's also had a little wash just around their umbilicle stump and their behinds! Using pets at home Anti bacterial grooming wipes, they are wet enough to clean but dont make the puppy wet and cold. They skirmed the whole time and i got weed and pood on more than once!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Mile Stone

Mile Stone

Crying when in need
Today i can distincly tell when a puppy is in need and so can penny. They dry of they are too cold or warm or stuck some where or hunngry or being sat on. Mum responds to the crys by investigating, licking them and helping them move around

Moving Away from mum
Today the puppy's began to venture further away moving to the outer edges of the box, sometimes to cool of, but others because theu have energy and they are inquisative. Often they are just lost and trying to find mum, but they haven't opened their eyes yet. The puppies still cant walk so they shufflle, they look like small snakes slithering about on their tummies and often end up rolling over as all their weight is round their middle and dont yet have any strength in their legs, but they give it a good go.

1st signs of play
The puppy's seem to move about in pairs and roll ontop of each other like playing.

Today Pictures

The oldest Puppy is now exactly 2 days old, as at the time of this post its after 1am

See today's cute pitures







Video Clip

Puppy's Nursing and Sleeping -

snuggled together the cutest little family

The not so fun side of breeding!

Penny stays in one room at the moment with her puppies in a special whelping box, she leaves the box only to pop and wee, which is on the floor! She has been outside but isnt really up to it and on all four attempts her bladder let go on the stairs!
Penny's room is kept really warm with a heater and hot water bottles to keep the puppies toasty but with wee and poo everywhere (on special mats most of the time!) + puppies just wee and poo them selves in their bed, it kind of smells like a farm in there!
We have had to spend over £100 so far on training pads which have to be changed all day long, but once pups find their feet we switch to newspaper, this is because training pads feel like carpet under foot and will only train them to pee on carpet so paper better. The Puppy's towels and blankets get soiled quickly to they are changed every 4 hours. My washing machine is running constantly at the moment.
Penny and the Puppy's have to be weighed, which is just one of the records that have to be kept filled in, along with photos and maintaining the blog for furture owners to read, each puppy has a health record that need daily upkeep.
Toby, Penny's mate and a family pet is very upset by the whole thing, hes really just a fuss pot! He crys when he cant be near one of us and/or the puppys, but its too soon for Toby to be near them, Penny wont allow it, so he pretty much just whines all the time! He is normally such a quiet boy, but he is clearly concerned with all the goings on, so is my constant head ache (now i know how new mums feel with screaming babies).
Penny and the Puppy's have to be watched 24/7 for a couple of weeks, so i have the pleasure of sleeping in the farm smelling room! Plus when we both have to go out as we did today we have to have a dog sitter come to do the 4 hourly bedding change, the poo and wee cleaning, soothing toby's hurt feelings, hand feeding penny and rotating the pups so they all get to feed, all day long! Not Cheap! 
Our Cat patch has not left under the bed all day not even for her favourite treats, clearly in protest!

So its not all Cute Puppy's you know!

Video Clip

One Day Old Puppy Reaction To Tickles!


Here is ginger loving a tickle from granpa and his father Toby is crying in the back ground as he has not been allowed to see his children just yet.

Video Clips

You Tube Videos - Penny Preparing for Birth

NOTHING GROSS TO SEE, just a little doggie sick!

For those of you interested, or practicing for your own bitch's labour here you can see Penny preparing for the first Puppy. She was clearly in a lot of pain and this went on for over an hour before the first Puppy arrived.

Why Name Them?

People keep asking me why give them names, when the puppys will go to new homes? Simply, it helps us to identify them to track the health, weight and progress. For vacinations and insurnace purposes it is also useful. Its only temporary aznd the new owers can thing of wonderful, cute names for them when they take them home.

One Day Old Weigh In

Poppy = 8 1/4
Lemon = 7 7/8
Squeak = 9 1/4
Ginger = 8 7/8
Spot = 9 3/8
Magic = 9 ounces

All puppies are gaining weight nicely this is their second weighin since birth the first was jsut to check the were gaining and feeding properly, we can see now that all the boys are doing great Magic was not gaining well at first but we have helped him today by allowing him to get in past Ginger Spot and Squeak now hes doing fine. The girls are gaining but a little more slowly we will let Lemon have more access to mum tomorrow.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Now just 10 hours old, the puppies are busy going though their cycles, feed, sleep, feed sleep. They are all very talkative, lots of Squeaking going on mostly from Squeak and Ginger!

Feeding Time

By 7.30am 8 hours after Penny had started to moan, fidget and squeal, it was all finally over and Penny was so brave. She then found enough energy to feed her beautiful new babies. This photo was taken just before Magic appeared!

Puppy 7

Puppy 7 - Magic

Puppy 7 was a suprise, we were only expecting 6 and then while Penny was busy feeding her litter, she didnt even move so she could keep on feeding the others and out popped Magic. He arrived at 6.30am 13.6.12 tail first, 50mins after Panda. He weiged 6 7/8 ounces. Magic is white and brown witha a wide white stripe dividinf two brown patched round his eyes and ears. He's lucky number seven

Puppy 6

Puppy 6 - Panda

Panda arrived just 25mins after Spot at 5.40am. She arrived Head first, she is mostly white with black patches. She weighed 6 1/8 ounces so was the lightest puppy. Panda had trouble breathing and with something blocking her airway, i worked on clearing the airway for a long time and then she seemed better and began to feed, sadly however panda did not make it throught the night and stopped breathing. she lived for just 4 hours. Rest In Peace mummys little angel.

Puppy 5

Puppy 5 - Spot

Puppy 5 was born at 5.15am 13.6.12, he arrived head first and weighed 7 7/8 ounces and is the heaviest of all the puppies. Spot is Tri coloured and has a spot around each ear and spots on his back which are brown and black. Spot arrived 1 hour and 10 mins after Ginger as mum had a little sleep to build up strength to bring Spot into the world.

Puppy 4

Puppy 4 - Ginger

Puppy 4 arrived 1 hour and 10mins after squeak, and is the only puppy to arrive golden in colour. He was born at 4.05am 13.6.12 and weighed 6 1/8 ounces. He is white and ginger with s stripe doen his nose and white patched on his back. He is gorgeous.

Puppy 3

Puppy 3 - Squeak

Puppy 3 arrive squeaking his lungs out as his baby sac broke on his way to this world, he arrived only 30mins after Lemon and arrive back first so he was on his side and caused poor penny quite a lot of bother. He was born at 3.35am 13.6.12 and weighed 7 1/2 ounces. He is has a brown head with a diamond white shape on and a white tip tail, with a small white patch on his brown back. He's mummys little boy.

Puppy 2

Puppy 2 - Lemon

Puppy 2 which we called lemon, as she smelled like lemons for some reason, arrived at 2.20am 13.6.12. She came 1hour 10mins after Poppy and arrived tail first, she wieghed 6 5/8 ounces. Lemon is brown a white witha brown patch on her front right shoulder, all white legs and a white tail. She is beautiful.

Puppy 1

Puppy 1 - Poppy

The fist puppy to be born was a girl, she arrived tail first and i was very painful for Penny. Poppy arrived at 1.10am 13.6.12, and weighed 6 7/8 ounces. Poppy is dark brown and white, she has a white tipped tail, a stripe down her nose and a brown patch on her front left shoulder. She is mummys little girl.

Here i am 60 days pregnant, the puppies are so active, always kicking it hurts alot, so all i do is rest and eat!

Penny and Toby

Here we are together, here i am about 50 days pregnant.

Tuesday 12 June 2012


Hi this is me penny and my mate toby. I'm the golden coloured Lhasa Apso in the picture. We have been together for a year and a half since i came to my new owners. I'm expecting my first litter of puppies very soon, and with this blog you can keep up to date on how they are doing.